What Should I Expect on A Sunday Morning at Cinco?


The Cinco Ranch Church of Christ is a group dedicated to the idea of following closely after Jesus. One thing that means is that we care more about what’s on the inside than the outside, so there’s no dress code on Sunday mornings. Come as you are. Our worship service begins at 10:00 and ends at 11:15. We will worship through singing, prayer, scripture, communion, offering, and a message. Communion is open to all believers in Jesus, and we take it together every week. We also provide an offering time to give financially to the work of this church. Stop by our Welcome Desk in the main lobby if you have any questions.


Starting at 9:00, our children 2 years old through 5th grade are welcome to join us for learning more about God.

  • 2 years old- 3 years old kiddos meet in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building. They meet in the Cow Class where they learn from our background checked volunteers about God. They do an activity together, learn the Bible story and memory verse, do a craft, and do a connection activity together to help understand the story.

  • 4 years old- 1st grade kiddos meet in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building. They meet in the Pig Class where they learn from our background checked volunteers about God. They do an activity together, learn the Bible story and memory verse, do a craft, and do a connection activity together to help understand the story.

  • 2nd grade- 5th grade kiddos meet in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building. They meet in the Owl Class where they learn from our background checked volunteers about God. They do an activity together, learn the Bible story and memory verse, do a craft, and do a connection activity together to help understand the story.

You will want to check in your child at the welcome desk and get answers to any other questions you may have. 


Starting at 10:00 our nursery and Little Pony Class is open for your children to come and play.

  • Children under 2 will be in the nursery in the Main Building at the end of the hallway, just past the Coffee Bar. During this time, the children get to play as they learn to share and love one another.

  • Children between the ages of 2 and 3 (not potty trainted) will head over to the Cow Class in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building. During this time, the children to get play, sing, and learn a Bible story.

The rest of the children will begin in the auditorium for worship. 3 years (potty trained) through 1st grade will be dismissed before the message to children’s worship. 2nd grade and up will remain in worship. We have activity pages for all children located in the back of the auditorium.


Starting at 9:00, teens will meet upstairs in the High School Classroom, in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building, located right off “the Loft” during class time. This is an environment where your teen will feel comfortable and accepted while being presented relevant material to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus. 


Starting at 9:00, our Adult class is located in the Education Building, the two story building to the right of the main building. Head upstairs to the main stage area as soon as you walk into “the Loft”. We’d love to give you more information about this class. Head to the Main Building Lobby and we’d be happy to help!