Cinco News
Join us Sunday.

Passion and Compassion
Scripture will be Luke 9:51-56
Join us Sunday, March 30th for worship and potluck sandwich supper. 
Please see below what to bring based on your last name:
A - L bring side dish and/or dessert
M-Z bring sandwiches
Big Bunny is on April 12 and we need candy to fill all of our eggs! Place all donated candy in either lobby bucket. We will have eggs to fill starting later this month.

Big Bunny is coming up! Join us for a fun day hunting eggs, playing with friends, and eating candy! Preregister today! If you are volunteering, no need to preregister. 


Volunteer to serve: 

Join us for another LRP Spirit Night at Raising Canes on April 2. Our last spirit night earned us just under $200. This is a great way to get a yummy dinner and to support LRP! We are saving to pay to repaint the school, so come on out! And don't forget to mention Little Ranch Preschool! 
It is already March and summer is right around the corner. Get all of your paperwork completed and notarized for all of our summer events. Going to Honduras? Going to Camp of the Hills, Camp Horizon or the float trip? Going on the Kid’s Mission Trip or to Camp Ten:10? Fill them out and get them done sooner rather than later! If you would like the paperwork prior to the Signing Day, reach out to Cami at
It is that time of year. Come help us get our grounds ready for spring and summer. We will work from 8 am - 12 pm. Donuts and coffee will be provided.
As Easter approaches, we invite you to dive deeper into Holy Week through prayer. Located in the loft, everyone is welcome from 2nd grade and up from 9:00-9:45 on April 13. 2.5YO-1st grade will still have Bible class on the Children's Floor. There will not be a baby Bible class.
Join us for lunch and fellowship on Thursday, April 10.
Lunch is provided.

HER MINISTRY - Please join us for Sisterhood Saturday on April 26th! 

Think food, fellowship, guest speaker, crafts and fun girl time! 

Please RSVP by April 12th! Hope to see you there!

Sign Up Link -

Click HERE for any prayer requests. We know that these are stressful times. We have to take advantage of the power of prayer! 
Ways to Give

Online giving is available  HERE.

The mail is checked daily if you would like to continue to send in checks. 

Text to give is available at 281-533-8463. You will be walked through a short one-time process.

You may also give through the Elexio Community App. If you have not downloaded this app to your phone yet and need help please contact the church office at 281-579-3100.
Ways to Give

Online giving is available  HERE.

The mail is checked daily if you would like to continue to send in checks. 

Text to give is available at 281-533-8463. You will be walked through a short one-time process.

You may also give through the Elexio Community App. If you have not downloaded this app to your phone yet and need help please contact the church office at 281-579-3100.

DATE                   CONTRIBUTION

Mar.  9th              $             3,848.00
Mar. 16th             $           20,489.63
Mar. 23rd             $             7,040.75

03/30 - Congregational Worship Night
04/05 - Landscape Workday
04/06 - Signing Day
04/09 - Silver Saints Life Group
04/10 - Chat-and-Chew
04/12 - Big Bunny Bash
04/13 - Prayer Walk
04/20 - NO Bible Class

Please see our church website for a complete calendar. Click here.
Our mailing address is:
6655 S. Mason Rd.
Katy TX 77450

Our phone number is:

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