Life Groups are small groups of believers who are growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. We want you to be connected with others as you Love God, Love Others and Reach the World for Christ. Life Groups focus on LOVING GOD through Bible study and prayer. They focus on LOVING OTHERS through times of fellowship and encouragement, and they challenge us to REACH THE WORLD through serving our church body and our community together.

Life Groups at CRCOC help us form meaningful relationships with other believers and belong to a group of people that truly know us. Most groups meet on Sunday evenings but some groups meet at other times. Groups enjoy Bible study, meals, serving together, worship or even recreational events.

If you need more information about Life Groups at Cinco, please reach out to the church office, or contact Bart Pitcock.


Cooper Life Group

This group is a made up of parents of young children and single adults. Children range in age from one year to early elementary. The group will meet on the first 3 Sundays each month from 5:00-7:00 at the main building and share times of Bible study, a meal, and recreational events.

Each 4th Sunday of the month, the group meets immediately following service for lunch. Reach out to Cami for additional info about this group.

Percival Life Group

This is a mixed age Life Group of families with young children and teens. The group is led by Wade and Leann Percival and meets on Friday nights at 6:30 with no specified ending time. The group has a meal together, shares a Bible lesson, spends time in prayer, and just enjoys each other’s company. Bible lessons are planned for adults and children. Contact Wade or Leann to learn more.

Pugh - Calvert Group

This Life Group is comprised mainly of families and couples in their 30's-40’s. Children currently in the group range in age from pre-school through elementary. This group will meet twice per month on Sundays from 5:00-7:00 at homes in Cinco Ranch. The group shares a meal, devotional/Bible study period and recreational activity for the kids. Contact Chelsea Pugh or Brittany Calvert to learn more.

DeLancey - Day Group

This Life Group is comprised of families and couples in their 30's-40's whose children range from infant up through high school. This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays after service with lunch at a rotating host home or local restaurant. The group shares a meal and short devotional while also encouraging ongoing connectedness outside of the regularly scheduled dates/times. Contact Megan DeLancey or Jac Day to learn more.

The Silver Saints

Members of this Life Group are from the retired senior (65+) population of the congregation. This group meets on the first and third Wednesday at 10:00 am at the church building. Time together is spent in social fellowship and spiritual discussion/devotional. For more info, please contact Jim Ravanelli.

Pitcock - Garland Group

This group meets on Sundays from 5:00-7:00 in Cinco Ranch at the home of Bart & Stephanie Pitcock who co-lead with Derek & Shannon Garland. Each Sunday, the group shares a meal and time of fellowship followed by a period of spiritual/devotional discussion utilizing video series from Study Gateway as the primary resource. The group is comprised primarily of empty-nesters with college and young adult children.

Dotson - Gaudette Group

We are a combination of parents with kids in the youth group and or college. Our group follows the youth life group calendar for meeting times. We share a meal and fellowship time followed by a group Bible study and prayer. We also try to stay available to the youth if additional adult help is needed.